Motherhood, Resilience and Social Conflict.

Motherhood: Beacons of Strength and Comfort Amidst Turmoil

Amidst the upheaval and tumult facing our nation, as well as several others, many individuals will turn to their mothers for solace and support. Notably, mothers and women have been actively participating in driving social change, showcasing their calming and positively influential roles. It is undeniable that moms have served as a steadfast refuge for many, a fact worth celebrating. Throughout history, mothers have played a vital role in holding our country together, even during the most trying times like civil wars. As we acknowledge the love, compassion, wisdom, and courage they impart, it’s equally important to remember to prioritize self-care.

Motherhood in Conflict: Coping Strategies and Family Support

Our current situation parallels that of other mothers enduring conflict. With this understanding, let’s delve into the distinct challenges of motherhood amidst conflict. Societal conflicts, particularly those near families, often exacerbate negative impacts on mothers, increasing the likelihood of depressive and anxiety symptoms. This struggle to cope not only affects mothers but also extends to their families and children. Furthermore, conflict strains the parent-child relationship, resulting in decreased care, attention, heightened angst, and diminished tolerance. This tumult also affects the material and economic well-being of families, introducing additional stressors and concerns. As mothers, how can we confront these challenges and provide support to our families?

Building Resilience: Key Steps for Thriving in Change

The culmination of many things I have talked about cannot be overstated or accentuated
when it comes to taking care of yourselves. This is the time when you need to be resilient, or by
definition, adaptive to and thriving in change. Everything you might have been practicing or
know would affect you positively need to be outlined. At the same time, you are surrounded with
negativity all around and you know what your negative triggers or factors are, and those need to
be outlined also. There is no way I can discuss resilience at length here, so I will simply talk
about a few things. I found the resource from the American psychological Association as helpful
in outlining steps for resilience. They are:

  • Make connections
  • Avoid seeing crises as insurmountable problems
  • Accept that change is a part of living
  • Move toward your goals
  • Take decisive actions
  • Look for opportunities for self-discovery
  • Nurture a positive view of yourself
  • Keep things in perspective
  • Maintain a hopeful outlook
  • Take care of yourself

Understanding the ‘Circle of Influence’ Concept

From Stephen Covey’s book:
What this image will help you do is to identify the things that are in:

1- Circle of focus: Things you have immediate control over (What to buy, dress, talk to your

2- Circle of Influence: things in your immediate surrounding that have an effect on your life:
Income, street violence near you, other family members …

3- Circle of Concern: Things you care about but have little impact on like the climate
change, the political environment, the banking system and money issue…

By focusing on what you can control, and helping your family focus on what they can control,
you will be able to conserve your energy, be able to focus on things you can have an impact on
and cope in this ever changing environment.

Although these are only two steps or two measures, practicing them may help you not only
survive but thrive in this challenging environment.

Stay strong, stay safe, and stay well.

God be with you and all of us.

لمزيد من المقالات المشابهة لهذا توجه إلى:

Author: Dr. Zeina Ghossoub


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