Health Tips for the Executive Woman

Heath Tips

Ladies, you are called “super women” for a reason. Women can take care of a family, keep up with their house chores, go to business meeting, catch up with work and still not lose their sanity.

Some women tend to take care of all people and work around them and forget that they also matter. That they need to take care of themselves as much as they take care of those around them. I can’t emphasize enough on how much eating, health, and staying fit are important, especially when you need to stay on top of things.

For some, staying fit and eating healthy might seem and added chores and extra work load. Having healthy body should not be taken for granted. Out bodies should always be taken care of. It will be worth it at the end.

Here are some tasks that are small and achievable, yet will make a difference in keeping your body feeling strong and fresh:

  1. Walk Walk Walk: 30 minutes of walking everyday could lead to a good health. It will keep your blood circulation in check, which will have a good payback to your overall health. Change of scenery will help you get away from your office mood and will be a good getaway to relax and reduce stress levels.
  2. More Breathing Exercise: Staying away from technology and focusing on your breathing for a couple of minutes can help you relax and reduce stress. You can also do so by putting your legs up against the wall in a quiet room.
  3. Watch Your Drinks: Avoid or limit your soft drinks consumption. Besides them being full of chemicals and preservatives, the sugar content is enough to crash your body and your immune system. Additionally, having sugary/soft drinks during the day can cause sugar cravings.
  4. Cook More Food For Dinner: If you find yourself going for junk food chains during your work time because you didn’t bring your snacks and lunch with you then, cook more food for dinner and the leftovers can be your lunch for the next day. Anything homemade is better than junk food or packaged food.
  5. Caffeine addiction: Try to cut down your caffeinated drinks intake to one a day. Having your nervous system stimulated all the time can have a negative effect on your hormones, cortisol, and adrenal levels.
  6. Do Not Skip Your Breakfast: Skipping your breakfast can have an effect on your metabolism and sugar craving throughout the day.
  7. Stay Hydrated


Remember that your health comes first and without a healthy body, you can’t achieve or enjoy anything in life!


By, Dr. Nura Arabi, Child Development & Health Promotion Specialist.


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