When Coaching Meets HR

"To All Corporate Managers, Due to the increasing competitiveness faced by businesses and the emerging awareness about the impact of people development and engagement on results, coaching is increasingly being seamed into Leadership and Talent Development programs. But is leadership-development coaching best facilitated by the human resources team? Or an internal coach? Can one coach satisfy the needs of all managers? When should coaching be outsourced? And how, if you are an HR professional, do you go about convincing your company executives that coaching is a necessary priority? Join us on October 29th, where we debate this topic and discuss the role coaching can play towards organizational success.

Women & Authentic Leadership-4th Edition

The Nomad Coach - Minou Hexspoor & Skillz are back for a fourth time with the two-day Women Authentic Leadership workshop! Two days packed with self-development after which life and leadership will never be the same! If you are a woman and a leader, seeking to professionally develop yourself further, this workshop will equip you with the skills and mindset for confident and influential leadership in your personal and professional life. When your days are filled with constant pressure and a never-ending workload, it’s not easy to be a powerful, authentic leader with a healthy and effective approach towards your team or organization. Leading with clarity and focus, with self-awareness, inspiration and satisfaction will never really be possible when you are dominated by overwhelm, work stress, too many responsibilities and a continuous stream of other people’s problems. You will level-up your leadership abilities through developing extreme awareness, new skills and the remaking of your leadership approach, regardless of highly demanding situations and environments. You will learn how to remove blocks that are holding you back from success and step into exemplary leadership that lifts you and others to a higher level of performance and inspires win-win environments with an abundance of opportunities everywhere around you. *Energy Leadership is developed by iPEC/Bruce D. Schneider and is based on more than 30 years of research and experience. The Manager of the Past… The dictionary defines a manager as someone who controls. Unfortunately for most businesses, that definition is taken literally. Being an effective leader in the twenty-first century requires letting go of the autocratic, dictatorial, controlling stereotype we have witnessed over the last half century. Leaders of Today and the Future… Every interaction presents the opportunity to lead and have a positive impact on others. The Energy Leadership System teaches individuals to consciously choose to use their ability to influence and impact others to bring about results that are positive for themselves, others, their organization, and its stakeholders. Great leaders are not only able to motivate, inspire, and bring out greatness in others, but also in themselves. The question isn't whether or not you are a leader; the question is... how will you lead? Included: • The famous ELI assessment (recommended by Forbes to executives/CEOs). Read more here. • 16 hours of Leadership Development addressing dynamic communication, influencing others, 7 levels of leadership, and more • Online access to content and exercises • Coffee breaks and lunch both days. When: March 14 & 21 Who: Women Leaders Where: Skillz Fees: LL 530,000 for 2 days, including lunch, coffee and the ELI Assessment.   About the Trainer: Minou Hexspoor is recognized as a committed certified coach (PCC) and mentor to international leaders who are working in complex conditions and dealing with high stress levels and overwhelm, looking to create a durable and effective work and life environment that honors their boundaries and priorities. Minou has a background in psychology, pedagogy, social work, sociology and Middle Eastern studies combined with her professional experiences within national country management, humanitarian emergency response and complex systems. She has worked and lived in Beirut, Lebanon and the region for the past 10 years and is deeply familiar with local dynamics, challenges and opportunities.     To know more about the trainer, visit this link. For registration, click here.


The 4 R’s to Lead in Uncertain Times

While we know that the world will defeat the virus, that has put us on a standstill, one question comes to mind: does the end of this crisis mean that we are going back to “normal”? Listen to Hanane Benkhallouk حنان بن خلوق in a Live Webinar on how to go through and lead during times of uncertainty.   To register, visit this link.

Empower NOW

To celebrate the International Women’s Month, “Empower Now”, a 1st Digital Edition two-day Forum organized and hosted by Executive-Women, will be gathering leaders, experts, and Business owners from across the globe to provide action-oriented guidance and expertise. From Leadership to Digital Transformation; From Social Responsibility to Entrepreneurship; from supporting Women-led small businesses to fighting gender imparity; from domestic violence to Women representation on Boards; all of this and more will be brought to the table by multi-disciplinary specialists who are eager to jump into calls for action, rather than conclusions, in a straightforward manner that fits the reality we now live in. Confirmed Speakers: Our strategic partner in Dubai, Hanane Benkhallouk, Founder of Tawazoun, Founder of LeanIn Arabia, Executive Director @ Sustain Leadership, Transformation & Innovation Strategist Noha Hefny, Founder & CEO, People of Impact, Social Entrepreneur & CSR Consultant Dr. Zeina Ghossoub, President of International Coaching Federation-Lebanon Chapter, Founder & CEO of VieSaine, Co-Founder of Vital Signs Vital Skills-USA, Executive & Wellness Coach Dr. Rita Rhayem, Gender & Safeguarding Specialist @ Caritas Lebanon, Humanitarian Expert Amy Elmahalawy, Co-Founder of Vapulus Startups   For registration, visit this link.

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