After graduating from university, I worked for 12 consecutive years in what I thought would be my career. But then a question started pressing me: “Do I want to continue down this career path? Is this really what I want to do in life?”
Demanding jobs and their crazy daily pace leave very little room for us to actually think and reflect on life choices, to understand more about ourselves and what we want. I wasn’t sure what I wanted at that point but I knew that what I was doing wasn’t it and that it was time to move on to the next chapter, although I didn’t know quite yet what that would be exactly.
The decision to quit my job without securing the next one was scary and exhilarating at the same time, but I knew I had to do it. In retrospect, the sabbatical/gap year that followed was perhaps one of the best decisions I ever made. The next thing I knew, I had started working in the cinema industry in Jordan. It took a few years for me to work my way in this vast domain towards finding the role where I best see myself but more importantly, where I can be impactful and make a difference while doing something that I love.
Today, I am a film producer and script consultant and as difficult as that is on some days, it is equally rewarding and exciting simply because I am doing something that I know is important and which I really enjoy.
To anyone who is wondering about taking the road less travelled, I tell you two things: the first: it is never too late to shift gears and start something new especially if that brings you one step closer to pursuing your ambition or dreams; and the second: it will be a tough path to walk however, not only will it be rewarding in the end, but it will also give you self-fulfillment and happiness on levels you never thought possible.