Elsbeth Blekkenhorst-Tammes, is an international entrepreneur, constantly hardworking to achieve her goals.
This dedicated lady has several years of experience in the fields of Global Mobility and international Human Capital consultancy, she has worked with companies such as PwC, Mercer and ECA in the UK and Qatar. Currently she’s writing two books: “The New You”, featuring career women in Qatar and “A Woman’s Dream”, a personal story of the working relationship between Filipina nannies and their female employer.
After her path, Elsbeth has taken the initiative to found Global Women At Work, Qatar’s largest career community for women. This initiative is a vibrant online job board for female candidates looking for a job and for employers looking to hire female talent.
To keep building on her community, Elsbeth organizes monthly an event called “Where Women Connect” with the goal of building friendships by connecting with each other, doing business and creating amazing opportunities and collaborations.
Each event has a different theme such as purely networking, a philanthropic aspect engaging female employees or an expert speaker on a career related topic. To upscale your skills we organize workshops such as tips on finding a job in Qatar and writing a winning CV.
Last November, this dedicated entrepreneur organized her first event to let women know that she relaunched her recruitment company. After a number of lockdowns increased, Elsbeth noticed the need for networking. Therefore, she continued organizing events, each time with a different partner and a different theme, as the first event attracted 140 women. At her International Women’s Day event there were 60 women, maximum capacity at that time, then 45 women were present in a gathering for post-summer drinks.
Finally, Elsbeth is always working hard to keep achieving one goal after another.