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Barbie and Ken have been staples within the toy industry. Ranging back decades, Barbie was and still is a representation for young girls, and adult women alike. It’s important to note that the reason for this is due to Barbie being the first adult doll of its time. Her adult status is a mirror of women’s abilities to partake in any profession. On the other hand, Ken was more of an attached figure to Barbie, an extension of the iconic doll.
In our social climate, the opposite has been true. While Barbie Land follows a matriarchal path, our society does not. Instead, we have been constantly dealing with the impact of patriarchy and its influences for generations. This is especially highlighted within the pay gaps between women and men (Barbie and Ken), as we will discuss in this article using expertise data to analyze the average salary across the U.K.
The lifetime salary of Barbie partaking in 59 professions would amount to 45.4 million pounds, while Ken would earn slightly over 4 million pounds more.
In the U.K. women are paid more in the following fields: Film directors, Aerobics instructors, Yoga teachers, Wildlife conservationists, and Coffee shop workers. While men are paid more in professions such as Judges, Flight attendants, Park rangers, Construction workers, and Doctors. The pay gap present in more female-dominant industries is less between men and women with the max amounting to 10%. While more male-dominated professions included a much larger pay gap between 20% and 32%.
For example, while male doctors earn around 69,000 pounds, female doctors make 55,000 pounds. Creating a 20% pay gap between the two genders. The professions in which women earn the most are within the STEM industry.
Even within female-dominated industries like make-up artists, women are paid around 2,000 pounds less than men in the same field.
These pay gaps have been defined by gender stereotypes. Such stereotypes are the same ones Barbie has tried to dismantle as a figure for young girls. With Barbie being part of multiple labor industries, it encourages a positive change to take place. Yet, even with such encouragement, women continue to be underrepresented in the labor industry, regardless of current laws being adopted to solidify equal pay.